Creative Writing
Thanks to the generosity of Google and Colgate-Palmolive, we are offering a limited number of spaces to our free interactive on line creative writing classes for students ages 7 – 10 and 11 – 18. We are accepting applications now for our 2015 online sessions.
As of this date we have assembled a panel of 9 professional journalists, screenwriters, novelists and teachers. All of our instructors have graciously donated one or two hours each week toward nurturing the innate imaginations, creativity and magic of our young students. The young Imagine Project authors will submit their work to us on line. These works of fiction, non fiction and poetry will be read and evaluated by our experts. Discussion, feedback and support will be given on line in a safe and non competitive environment. Suggestions might be made for age appropriate writings that would be of particular interest to the young author. When the author and mentor are in agreement that the piece is ready for publication, it will be published on our website to be read by the public.
All on line dialogue between the two creative entities, teacher and student, will also be published on our website so others may share not only the finished work, but the remarkable creative process which brought forth the art. It is our plan to publish a quarterly hardcopy magazine with as many of our students’ works as possible. These stories and poems will be illustrated by children from our various art and drawing programs.
We can not express strongly enough the limited number of openings for our September session. If you and your child are interested please write us at
Let us know why you and your child feel this program would be beneficial. Then list: PARENT’S NAME – CHILD’S AGE – EMAIL ADDRESS – PHONE
All email transactions will be done via the parents email.